What is this?

This website’s purpose is twofold: to help those in the middle of a scam and to educate.

Much of the specific advice and statistics presented on this site is focused on the United States, but the educational material applies to everyone. Scams are quickly adapting and changing along with the advance of technology, so to stay informed is more important than ever.

Individuals who are tech-savvy and grew up with the advent of computers and technology may think these scam attempts are obvious or silly. But for many others it can be difficult to identify and avoid them. Their consequences can be life changing.

Inform your family members and loved ones on the dangers of scams. Be on the look-out for warning signs that someone you know may be a victim of a scam. Being scammed can be embarrassing and traumatic for many people, so be understanding and empathetic when helping out. Encourage them to report their experiences and take steps towards bettering their situation.

Who I am.

I first saw the damage scams can do to people while working a tech sales and repair job at a retail store. Many of the customers that came in had fallen for scams in the past or were in the middle of one. Seeing the damage and turmoil they can cause firsthand really effected me. I worked closely with many of these victims, and gave advice on how to get their life back on track. I firmly believe there needs to be a LOT more education and resources for modern scams, and I hope this site can be of use to someone in a tough situation.

I currently work in IT and I’m learning cybersecurity on the side. If you have any questions or changes on the site you’d like to see, please reach out via the contact form. I do not collect any revenue or run any ads.

I like bears a lot.
